Surgery was suppose to be one night maybe two. Charles Timothy - March 9th - right after Brain Biopsy - Right Hand working. Cancer confirmed but Charles suffered hundreds of seizure each day. Hospitalized for 2 weeks, Sent to ICU after entering 18 hour Coma on March 16th - loss use of entire right side, difficulty with speech - doctors decide to put a PEG Tube in for feeding (No other option - if he doesn't accept, they won't feed him). PEG Tube inserted March 23rd. Transferred to another Floor where a doctor told him, that he could drink coffee and die, but he would have quality of life. The doctor also told Wilma that he should go to a nursing home, she would not be able to care for him. Wilma did not like the way he was treated or being cared for. She tried to get him transferred to MD Anderson Cancer Center but couldn't manage it. She told them to discharge him and she would take him home. His stitches were leaking so they wrapped his head in a bandage, put him in a wheel chair and sent him home. Wink and I dragged him into the house.
Wink had bought Charles a hospital bed which he needed to prevent pneumonia, and to keep him from choking during the night. After two days, Charles was up walking around with a quad cane, after three weeks, he was walking without a cane. His speech was better, he even began using his right arm. He was doing 10 push up per day. After a month he was driving iron post helping Wink and I to build a fence. Wilma feeds him 3-4 times daily through PEG Tube.
Then the world began to fall again. Charles suffered a seizure, it left him speechless for a minute.
A week later he had another seizure, it left him speechless for a minute, caused him to be weak in his right leg, he had to sit down, his right arm was weak and didn't move for a minute.
A few days later, another seizure, speechless, right leg, right arm (couldn't do anything for 30 minutes). Charles was worried, so was Wilma. Wilma had been working with MD Anderson, she called them and wanted to know if we could go there. They said come on. We packed and Wink drove us to Houston - a mere 5 hours away. We arrived at 2:45 am on May 13th (Friday). By Friday afternoon, after CatScan, MRI, and Blood Work, we meet with a Neurosurgeon who said that the brain had to be resectioned (remove the cancer). They also said something strange was going on in there. Surgery scheduled for Monday May 16th. Called all the family and many came to Houston for the Surgery.
Charles woke up after the surgery, it turned out that the Biopsy Hospital had given him a staff infection. The cancer was extensive and in the motor skills area. Once again he is paralyzed on the right side, maybe it will come back, how much???? He also suffered Aphasia and Apraxia (difficulty getting words from Brain to mouth and in the right order). He completed 4 weeks of rehab at MD Anderson managing some walking, some talking, no right hand stuff, and finally some eating (PEG Tube removal June 3, but PICC line insertion before PEG Tube removal). The PICC Line is for IV antibiotics for the next 8 weeks. Wilma learns how to administer IV and clean Insertion Site. Charles is also discharge on June 6th. We travel home. (Our sister Geraldine stayed with Charles in Houston for 2 weeks so Wilma could go back and run the ranch - Horse Boarding). Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy were ordered for in home, but the home health was little to no help. Charles was therapy training himself. He couldn't go to a facility until the infection was cleared.
June came along and Wink went to New Hampshire to collect the grandchildren for the summer.
Some excellent news.... We sold the condo... In June Wink and Wilma went to Sarasota with the granddaughters to close out the condo. Just before leaving, Wilma was called and told that her father was in Hospice (approximately 72 hours to live) they thought. We drove straight to Mississippi and saw him for a short time. We thought that he might have a little more time than 72 hours so away we went to Florida. We all worked hard and got everything packed and placed in the new trailer that we bought in Florida. On Monday, June 27 (Wink's Birthday) Wilma got the call, he dad had passed. She finished cleaning and loading at 1:30 am, dressed and was picked up at 3:00 am by an uncle taking her to Tampa airport for a flight to Mississippi.
Yes, those are Wink's toes. You might think he was sleeping.
But this picture will clearly show that he was not sleeping. He allowed the girls to do his toes, his hair, his make-up, his jewelry, and his clothing. They later printed this photo and sent it to him, with the title "Auntie Winkie".
Back at the Ranch in Texas, the weather is a record 100+ degrees for over 47 days. The girls enjoyed swimming, and Six Flags while Grandma worked the ranch and took care of their Uncle.
My son, William decided to get married while his children were here for the summer instead of the Fall as planned. William and Sarah Mobley
Wink with our 4 grandchildren. Aila in front (6) Maddison left (10) Emma right (11) Amber (13)
Mother of the Groom - Wilma (35 lbs thinner).
Grandma Wilma and Amber (13)
An amazing old fashion statement - we have a plumbed out house for Boarders.
The finest in luxury accommodations for those hot days. At night it's a hot-tub.
Wink has really been cooking - Pastellies he made over 60 of these pork filled banana dishes.
A Picnic on the Ranch. (Satartia dog to right and Sally dog to front)
Satartia was very small when she was purchased by my son. He has a small house. She got big, Wink got a new dog. She's a lot like Buster (you guys might remember him) but bigger. She loves the outdoors and needed a big place to run. August - yeah, Charles got his PICC line out and he's mobile. He was able to start rehab 3 hrs a day for 3 days a week for 3 months. Rehab is only 1 hour away. With breaks for lunch, we are only gone 6 hours a day/3 days a week. He is improving. He's still has no real movement with his right hand, but his right foot is working better. He's ridden a horse a few times, he's driving a little - short local back road trips.
We still have Sara Sota - She will be 14 in April 2012. She's also lost 10 lbs. She enjoys running around and being with us.
Sally was a stray that came to the ranch about 3 years ago. She wouldn't come inside but now she won't leave my side.
Charles decided in September 2011 that he would not be able to return to managing the Ranch ever. Wink and Wilma took ownership of the Ranch. We changed the name of the Ranch from Last Chance Ranch and Stable - Equine Development Center to: Keller Boarding Stables.
November 14th - Charles goes horseback riding with friends, Wilma gets a call - he's suffered a 4 minute all out, eyes rolled back in the head seizure. We spent 6 hours in ER. They suggest follow up with Neurologist. Can't find one with his insurance locally. Called MD Anderson, they read his MRI and thought he should change seizure meds. He continues Rehab until mid December. He's not feeling so well, much weaker - wants a break. Wilma takes him to Mississippi for Christmas. He will stay for 3 weeks. Wilma returns to Texas for Christmas.

Wink got a small sampler of Chocolate from the grandchildren for Christmas. Wilma got a new computer from Wink for Christmas. Wink got a new flashlight from Wilma.
Charles gets worse over the holidays. Wilma goes to get him on January 8th and makes a plan to take him directly to Houston on January 9, 10, 11. He has new MRI and decision to start on Radiation. We will try to do this locally - maybe Dallas or Ft. Worth. It's Dallas (Rehab is Ft. Worth). It's not feasible to do both - he's too exhausted. Rehab will have to wait.
Radiation is 5 days a week for 5 weeks. We are doing it at under 3 hours a day. 1 hour there, 30-40 minutes at Radiation, and 1 hour back. He is not feeling the best and he's had other problems but he continues on. He's ridden his horse twice in late February. The hardest part is that he saddles and rides one handed. He also is very weak in right leg so getting off is difficult. He endures.
Wink designed the sign and Wilma put it all together and drew the horse.
All of you that know us know that Wink has to have a bathtub. This house did not have one - so for Christmas, we remodeled the bathroom. Using the Out-House while it was being completed.
Well worth every trip outside. Please do remember that the out-house is plumbed.
Our young neighbor girl gave me some of her extra horses for my decorations. They fit in well with the western look and my mom's shift-a-robe.
In February, my dad's only surviving sister had a surprise birthday party. She is 16 years younger than Dad. She has been a blessing to our family and with only a few days notice, no mishaps and no planning. ALL SEVEN OF US MADE IT HOME, WITH MOM IN THE FRONT AND AUNT HELEN IN FRONT OF ME. Boys from left: Billy, Mickey, Charles Tim, Hardy Jr.
Girls from left: Geraldine, Mom, Betty, Aunt Helen, Wilma
Effective March 1, 2012 - things are somewhat normal - Wilma has started back as President of the GHTA. Wilma takes Horse Riding Lessons and runs Keller Stables. Wink is the financial wizzard and Remodel expert - you know the Brains behind the Labor (Management).