During our last blog session - you will remember that we made it to Ft. Pierce, Florida.
John Henry with Tender on face dock at Ft. Pierce, Florida
next to Harbor Cove Restaurant (not included in photo).
Once morning, we looked out and there were three (3) sharks cruising the inlet.
Our friends Fred and Judy from M/V Amarse were staying in Stuart (about 15 miles south of Ft. Pierce). They had already gotten their car so they offered us a ride to Sarasota to get our car. We stayed at the condo overnight - enjoyed the hot tub and the company.
She seems to be much the same - mumbles and has no recognition of anyone. Her physical health continues to be okay. She doesn't walk but a few steps at a time with assistance.
Fred is the Vice President, Bettie - secretary, and Punk with dog is the Treasurer.
Of course, Sara the sea dog is also in the picture.
If you want to know more about the boat owners club
The GHTA meeting was held in conjunction with the Mirage Mfg Technical Seminar
put on by the Boat Builder to help owners with questions & techniques
for maintaining their vessels.
We went out to dinner at Javier Restaurant for dinner.
Peruvian Food - Excellent (Wilma's Favorite Special Restaurant)
The weather was very hot - there was guy dressed in a character suit.
Our friend Michael who does wire wrapping talked to Mets mascot.
Happy Birthday - Happy Mother's Day
to Wilma's Mom.
We soon discovered that Roberta and Steve on M/V Indemnity was not far ahead of us.
We chatted on the Radio and anchored near each other in the evening at Addison's Point.
Wink and Wilma jumped into their skiff and went over to Indemnity for a short happy hour.
MV John Henry at Loggerhead Club and Marina
The winds and current were against us most of the day keeping our speed even
slower than normal. We were certain that we would
not be able to reach St. Augustine or the planned anchorage before dark.
Wink and Wilma decided to pull into a marina in Daytona - Loggerhead Club and Marina.
It is a beautiful place and ran well. However, they charge LOA. Length Over All.
We had a great night's sleep - left the Marina this morning at 8:20 a.m.
The winds, current and good luck have joined us today.
We're cruising fast - 10.6 mph
Location - Just north of Cresent Beach Bridge, Florida
We should arrive Green Cove Springs, FL tomorrow afternoon.
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